# dotlite Lightweight dotfiles with git bare repo - trimmed down from my main dots so it can be put on servers and/or work computers. Probably will have some basic CLI setup + a really simple i3 config with i3status. ``` $ git clone --bare https://github.com/nicholastay/dotlite.git ~/.dotlite.git $ git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotlite.git/ --work-tree=$HOME checkout $ git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotlite.git/ --work-tree=$HOME config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no # To add more files (once aliases loaded) # May need to add to gitignore to not use -f (safety) $ d a ~/.config/... # Any other git operations $ d ... ``` ## Package notes General: - nvim - bash/zsh For Linux Desktop: - i3 - dmenu - urxvt/xterm/alacritty - xrdb - xset - setxkbmap For macOS Desktop: - yabai - skhd